Stéphanie Caillet developed a strong taste for art and learning techniques using pastels and oil painting at a painting academy very early on. This was followed by artistic studies at the School of Fine Arts in Versailles, then at the University of Paris 8 in Saint-Denis in Plastic Arts, where she was a student of the American Artist Judith Wolfe. These apprenticeships allow her today to have references such as Ingres, Vuillard, Matisse or even Mitchell and Hockney. Working with acrylic, charcoal and on some canvases in mixed techniques (collages, oil pastels), she creates portraits and female bodies on large format. The woman's body as a model, the body, reflection of the evils of the soul, and portraits that are always very expressive. Her paintings are imprinted with herself, sometimes peaceful and the visible look, sometimes revealing more of her pains. Monochrome paintings, in camaieu, or more colorful are applied with a frank gesture or in modeling. The figurative meets abstract backgrounds. Stéphanie Caillet works on the beauty of women, a visual beauty, which hides the invisible wounds of the psychic. The result is “sensual and delicate”.

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